Frequently Asked Questions

We operate primarily in Lowestoft and the surrounding villages.

Referrals will be considered for Great Yarmouth, Beccles and Bungay as well.

We are able to support any child from ages 4 - 16


We are a private company set up by an experienced Child Well Being practitioner with over 15 years of experience.

Our basic rate is £30 per session. 

Initial consultations over the phone are free of charge.

We also offer a range of other services such as parental support calls, zoom sessions, school observations and report writing. These are all chargeable at a basic rate of £30 per hour.

We offer a range of strategies to support your child depending on their needs.

Although our practitioners hold qualifications in counselling, we most often use a non-directive listening approach.

Everybody working for us has an enhanced criminal record check completed by the Disclosure and Barring Service (known as DBS - formerly CRB)

We offer a commercial service to parents and families.  This means that we will share with you the full content of our work with your child. 

All work undertaken is confidential to you and your household.

The only exceptions to this is if a child discloses a safeguarding concern which we feel would put them in danger if we disclosed to the parent. In these cases our duty is to report the matter to the Local Authority.

Similarly we are required to respond to requests for information from legal authorities such as courts and the Police.